Another Shot at Blogging

11:00 PM Jenica Kabigting 0 Comments

Hello there, stranger. I'm glad you've found your way to my new home on the internet.

I can't believe I'm finally writing my first post for this blog since it has been over two years since I put this up. I started a blog back in high school and used to write a lot, even about the sillies things! I stopped some time before entering college and I regretted it.

Now, I created a blog again for the purpose of getting back into writing and sharing all my thoughts and stories. Many things have happened this year - lost a job, went on a six-month break to travel, pursued my other passions -  and I can't wait to start posting about them soon, maybe in the coming days or weeks.

This blog is still under a lot of work, but I do hope you'll find the time to visit again soon!